41 strelius ii
Wickman Chemical Sales StreliuS II (2x2.5) Sulfentrazone-Shutdown (2x2.5)* Sulfentrazone 39.6% SC (2x2.5) Super Boll (2x2.5) Tank -275 Cage: Tank Cleaner-Erase (4x1) Tank Cleaner-OutRight (4x1) Taragon Elite (2x2.5) Target 6 Plus (2x2.5) Tebustar 3.6L (2x2.5) Tempo SC Ultra (6x8oz) Tepera Plus (2x2.5) Topguard EQ (2x2.5) Tordon RTU (12x1) Tough 5 EC (2x2.5) Transcend ... KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION - Amazon Web Services The active ingredient in has the potential to contaminate surface water StreliuS II through ground spray drift. Under some conditions, the active ingredient may also have a high potential for runoff into surface water (primarily via dissolution in runoff water) for several months post-application.
Massachusetts State Restricted Use Products ATTICUS, LLC 91234-50 StreliuS II 6/30/2023 State Restricted Use ATTICUS, LLC 91234-137 Mineiro 2 F 6/30/2023 State Restricted Use ATTICUS, LLC 91234-188 SpiruS 6/30/2023 State Restricted Use AVITROL CORPORATION 11649-4 AVITROL WHOLE CORN 6/30/2022 State Restricted Use

Strelius ii
Tank Mix - Engenia Herbicide Sep 01, 2022 · Any person seeking to qualify a tank mix product must perform a study pursuant to the EPA-approved testing protocol, must submit the data and results to BASF Corporation, and must certify those results to BASF Corporation in accordance with the terms and conditions of US EPA's registration of Engenia Herbicide. Labels for A335.01 (91234-50) | US EPA STRELIUS II: Alternate: 1 - 2: There is no Inactive Alternate Brand Name. Information about Product Registrations and Transfers. There is no Transfer History. Site(s) AERIAL APPLICATION: BEANS (GREEN) (SOIL TREATMENT) BEANS (KIDNEY) (SOIL TREATMENT) BEANS (LIMA) (SOIL TREATMENT) PDF SUGARCANE WEED MANAGEMENT - LSU AgCenter S-metolachlor @ 1.70 - 2.33 lb/A Strelius II/Visor S-moc II/Visor S-moc @ 0.89 - 1.22 qt/A Browntop millet, vaseygrass, other annual grasses, divine nightshade, and other broadleaf weeds; yellow nutsedge and seedling johnsongrass suppression Use the higher rate on heavier soils, soils with higher organic matter content, and when sugarcane is
Strelius ii. PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 - Us Epa [Alternate Brand Name: StreliuS II] FOR WEED CONTROL IN BEANS, PEAS, AND LENTILS; CORN; COTTON; GRASSES GROWN FOR SEED; ... Contains s-metolachlor, the active ingredient used in Dual II Magnum®. A335.01™ is not manufactured, or distributed by Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC, seller of Dual II Magnum®. 04/14/2020 91234-50. 2 New generic crop protection products available | Farm Progress StreliuS II. This herbicide uses S-metolachlor to fight competition from a broad spectrum of early-season grasses and many broadleaf weeds. With the long-lasting residual control, flexible-use patterns and application timing of StreliuS II, corn is protected from weed pressure all season long. Cavallo4 SC. Dual II Magnum 7.64E Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) [100-818] - $259.95 ... Keystone Pest Solutions Dual II Magnum 7.64E Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) [100-818] - Dual II Magnum 7.64E Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) Dual II Magnum 7.64E Herbicide is effective at eliminating early-season weed competition that threatens to reduce yields in corn, soybeans, cotton, potatoes, sorghum and a variety of other crops. It provides long-lasting control of most annual grasses and small-seeded ... StreliuS II | Atticus, LLC | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Personal Protection Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves made of barrier laminate, Butyl Rubber ≥ 14 mils, Nitrile Rubber ≥ 14 mils, or Viton ≥ 14 mils Shoes plus socks Restricted Entry Interval
PDF NOTICE OF PESTICIDE: X Registration Reregistration Conditional - US EPA The alternate brand name "StreliuS II ZMX" is noted for this product. Please also note that the record for this product currently contains the following CSF: x Basic CSF dated 01/23/2019 If you have any questions, please contact Julia Kerr by phone at 703-347-0386, or via email at kerr.julia@epa.gov. Enclosure FarmTrade Buyers-farm chemicals for sale;liberty … Buy Ag Chemicals Online and Save. FarmTrade.com is the first and only online trading floor for agricultural chemicals. Buyers save up to 20% or more on chemical purchases when using FarmTrade’s patented technology and Name Your Price trading method. Reichman Sales & Service | Reichman Sales & Service StreliuS™ II | Reichman Sales & Service Products Red Zone Technologies About Us Contact Us View Quote Products StreliuS™ II Category Herbicides Manufacturer Atticus, LLC Documents MSDS Label Qty. Needed gals. Pack Size Add to Quote Disclaimer Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product. StreliuS II - Atticus LLC With long-lasting residual control and flexible use patterns, StreliuS™ II can protect your crops from weed pressure all season long. This product is a selective herbicide recommended as a preplant surface-applied, preplant incorporated, or preemergence treatment in water or liquid fertilizer solutions.
Search for Pesticide Products Chemicals: S-METOLACHLOR (5133) 33 product labels match. Any product listed below, which includes the term "Master Label" in front of the product brand name, may not be sold or used in California. Put a check by all the products you would like more details on. Then, select the report format you want from the list below and press the Report button. Shop | FBN - Farmers Business Network StreliuS™ II Product label Unavailable Group 15 Herbicide Active Ingredient S-metolachlor (7.64 lbs/gal) Buy Free Shipping over $5,000 0% Financing** Direct to Farm Delivery Product details Resources Instructions Price Transparency Become a Member to See What Other Farmers Are Paying for Inputs Set course for effective spring weed control | Farm Progress Perhaps it's an S-metolachlor, which Atticus sells as StreliuS II. He points out that a wide range of active ingredients are now available as post-patent products, offering users options. He looks at the range of weeds and notes that the tankmix you build for that preemerge pass should try to hit all the target weeds. Labels and Data Safety Sheets - CaroVail Deliver WG - Label - SDS - Supplemental Label 1 - Supplemental Label 2. Endigo ZC - Label - SDS. Enterik 0.15 LV - Label - SDS. Entrust SC - Label - SDS - Supplemental Label 1 - Supplemental Label 2. Esteem 35WP Insect Grower Regulator - Label - SDS - Supplemental Label. Ethos XB - Label - SDS - Supplemental ...
PDF CAUTION - CaroVail For resistance management, StreliuS IIis a Group 15 herbicide. Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to StreliuS IIand other Group 15 herbicides. The resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field.
StreliuS II (265 Gal) - CommoditAg Online Ag Products StreliuS II has flexible application timing and is a trusted tool in any Integrated Pest Management programs. Key Benefits: Can be applied early preplant, pre-emergence and post-emergence Provides control up to season long, with early and late season protection from weed pressure Offers broad-spectrum control of many grasses and broadleaf weeds
Reichman Sales & Service | Reichman Sales & Service At Reichman Sales, we pride ourselves on our repeat business. Our local customer base grows stronger and stronger simply by word of mouth that is passed from farmer to farmer. Reichman Sales has built a positive reputation with the local farmer as a way to save money and still get a quality chemical program for their crops.
Atticus releases corn crop protection products - Atticus LLC StreliuS™ II herbicide utilizes S-metolachlor to fight competition from a broad spectrum of early-season grasses and many broadleaf weeds. With the long-lasting residual control, flexible-use patterns and application timing of StreliuS II, corn is protected from weed pressure all season long.
Products - CommoditAg Search Results for " StreliuS™ II" Seed Selector Sort by: View as: View as grid View as list. Search results for StreliuS™ II returned 2 results. Success: has been saved for later! Herbicides. Product State Map. StreliuS™ II Herbicide. Similar To: Dual II Magnum®, Moccasin™ II ...
Moccasin II Plus (5 Gal) - CommoditAg Online Ag Products MOCCASIN II PLUS Herbicide is a highly effective, residual herbicide with excellent soil activity on a wide variety of small-seeded broadleaf weeds and grasses, including pigweed species, waterhemp, velvetteaf and annual grasses. MOCCASIN II PLUS is safe for use on corn and the perfect replacement for Dual II Magnum®. Specifications
EMERGENCY CALL: 1-800-424-9300 (CHEMTREC) - Amazon Web Services PRODUCT NAME: StreliuS II DESCRIPTION: Liquid herbicide EPA REG. NO.: 91234-50 COMPANY IDENTIFICATION: Atticus, LLC 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 100 Cary, NC 27513 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION WARNING Suspected of causing cancer (H351) May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. (H373) May cause respiratory irritation. (H335)
Atticus Crop Protection Offers Three New Corn Herbicides for 2020 StreliuS II herbicide uses the active ingredient S-metolachlor to fight competition from a broad spectrum of early-season grasses and many broadleaf weeds. It promises long-lasting residual control, flexible-use patterns, and application timing for season-long control of problem weeds.
EARLY & LATE SEASON PROTECTION FROM WEED PRESSURE - Amazon Web Services StreliuS II has flexible application timing and is a trusted tool in any Integrated Pest Management programs. KEY BENEFITS • Can be applied early preplant, pre-emergence and post-emergence • Provides control up to season long, with early and late season protection from weed pressure
PDF 2021 Weed Control Pulse Crops (Dry Edible Beans, Field Peas, Chickpeas ... fluazifop, sethoxydim, quizalofop: 2. ALS inhibitor; imazamox, imazethapyr. 3; Microtubule inhibitor. pendimethalin, trifluralin; 4. Growth regulator; MCPB. 5 ...
Atticus, LLC products Agworld DBX empowers you with the right crop input label information for informed pest management and plant protection. For over than 35 years, Greenbook® has been the trusted, go-to crop inputs reference guide for farmers, ranchers, agronomists, retailers and crop advisers alike.
PDF 2022 South Dakota Pest Management Guide - Soybean Safety First. Follow the Label. It is a violation of federal pesticide laws to use a pesticide in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read the
PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label - Amazon Web Services SUGARCANE - STRELIUS II ALONE StreliuS IIcan be applied as a preplant, preemergence, or postemergence treatment for weed control in sugarcane. StreliuS IIcan also be used in a treatment program that includes a preplant/preemergence application followed by a postemergence/post-directed application. Preplant and Preemergence Applications
StreliuS™ II - EDGE Ag Solutions StreliuS II has flexible application timing and is a trusted tool in any Integrated Pest Management programs. KEY BENEFITS: Can be applied early pre-plant, pre-emergence, and post-emergence Provides control up to season long, with early and late season protection from weed pressure Offers broad-spectrum control of many grasses and broadleaf weeds
Nationwide Direct Ship - CommoditAg Online Ag Products Jun 21, 2022 · The Right Formula. Posted June 21, 2022. Maximizing in-season applications with Accomplice® adjuvant and FarmCommand® – an all-in-one digital platform. Overview Accomplice is an all-in-one adjuvant for foliar applications designed to maximize the efficacy of conventional herbicides for row crops.
PDF SUGARCANE WEED MANAGEMENT - LSU AgCenter S-metolachlor @ 1.70 - 2.33 lb/A Strelius II/Visor S-moc II/Visor S-moc @ 0.89 - 1.22 qt/A Browntop millet, vaseygrass, other annual grasses, divine nightshade, and other broadleaf weeds; yellow nutsedge and seedling johnsongrass suppression Use the higher rate on heavier soils, soils with higher organic matter content, and when sugarcane is
Labels for A335.01 (91234-50) | US EPA STRELIUS II: Alternate: 1 - 2: There is no Inactive Alternate Brand Name. Information about Product Registrations and Transfers. There is no Transfer History. Site(s) AERIAL APPLICATION: BEANS (GREEN) (SOIL TREATMENT) BEANS (KIDNEY) (SOIL TREATMENT) BEANS (LIMA) (SOIL TREATMENT)
Tank Mix - Engenia Herbicide Sep 01, 2022 · Any person seeking to qualify a tank mix product must perform a study pursuant to the EPA-approved testing protocol, must submit the data and results to BASF Corporation, and must certify those results to BASF Corporation in accordance with the terms and conditions of US EPA's registration of Engenia Herbicide.
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